SeqAn3  3.0.3
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::detail::format_html Class Reference

The format that prints the help page as html to std::cout. More...

#include <seqan3/argument_parser/detail/format_html.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for seqan3::detail::format_html:

Public Member Functions

void add_flag (bool &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec)
 Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to be evaluated later on. More...
void add_line (std::string const &text, bool is_paragraph, option_spec const spec)
 Adds a print_line call to parser_set_up_calls. More...
void add_list_item (std::string const &key, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec)
 Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to parser_set_up_calls. More...
void add_option (option_type &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec, validator_type &&option_validator)
 Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to be evaluated later on. More...
void add_positional_option (option_type &value, std::string const &desc, validator_type &option_validator)
 Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to be evaluated later on. More...
void add_section (std::string const &title, option_spec const spec)
 Adds a print_section call to parser_set_up_calls. More...
void add_subsection (std::string const &title, option_spec const spec)
 Adds a print_subsection call to parser_set_up_calls. More...
void parse (argument_parser_meta_data &parser_meta)
 Initiates the printing of the help page to std::cout. More...
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 format_html ()=default
 format_html (format_html const &pf)=default
format_htmloperator= (format_html const &pf)=default
 format_html (format_html &&)=default
format_htmloperator= (format_html &&)=default
 ~format_html ()=default
 format_html (std::vector< std::string > const &names, bool const advanced=false)
 Initializes a format_help_base object. More...

Public Attributes

friend derived_type
 Befriend the derived type so it can access private functions.
argument_parser_meta_data meta
 Stores all meta information about the application. More...

Protected Member Functions

format_htmlderived_t ()
 Returns the derived type.
std::string escape_special_xml_chars (std::string const &original)
 Escapes certain characters for correct output. More...
void print_legal ()
 Prints the legal information.
void print_line (std::string const &text)
 Delegates to seqan3::print_line(std::string const & text, true) of each format. More...
void print_synopsis ()
 Prints a synopsis in any format.
void print_version ()
 Prints the version information.

Static Protected Member Functions

static std::string expand_multiple_flags (std::string const &flag_cluster)
 Expands multiple one character flag identifiers for pretty help output. More...
template<sequence_container container_type>
static std::string get_type_name_as_string (container_type const &)
 Returns the value_type of the input container as a string (reflection). More...
template<typename value_type >
static std::string get_type_name_as_string (value_type const &)
 Returns the input type as a string (reflection). More...
template<typename container_type >
static std::string option_type_and_list_info (container_type const &container)
 Formats the container and its value_type for the help page printing. More...
template<typename option_value_type >
static std::string option_type_and_list_info (option_value_type const &value)
 Formats the type of a value for the help page printing. More...
static std::string prep_id_for_help (char const short_id, std::string const &long_id)
 Formats the option/flag identifier pair for the help page printing. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< std::stringcommand_names
 The names of subcommand programs.
std::vector< std::function< void()> > parser_set_up_calls
 Vector of functions that stores all calls except add_positional_option.
std::vector< std::function< void()> > positional_option_calls
 Vector of functions that stores add_positional_option calls.
unsigned positional_option_count
 Keeps track of the number of positional options.
bool show_advanced_options
 Whether to show advanced options or not.

Private Types

using base_type = format_help_base< format_html >
 The CRTP base class type.

Private Member Functions

std::string in_bold (std::string const &str)
 Format string as in_bold. More...
void maybe_close_list ()
 Closes HTML list tag (dl) if needed.
void maybe_close_paragraph ()
 Closes HTML paragraph tag (p) if needed.
void print_footer ()
 Prints a help page footer in HTML format to std::cout.
void print_header ()
 Prints a help page header in HTML format to std::cout.
void print_line (std::string const &text, bool line_is_paragraph)
 Prints a text in HTML format to std::cout. More...
void print_list_item (std::string const &term, std::string const &desc)
 Prints a help page list_item in HTML format to std::cout. More...
void print_section (std::string const &title)
 Prints a section title in HTML format to std::cout. More...
void print_subsection (std::string const &title)
 Prints a subsection title in HTML format to std::cout. More...
void store_help_page_element (std::function< void()> printer, option_spec const spec)
 Adds a function object to parser_set_up_calls if the annotation in spec does not prevent it. More...
std::string to_html (std::string const &input)
 Converts console output formatting to the HTML equivalent. More...

Private Attributes

friend base_type
 Befriend the base class to give access to the private member functions.
bool is_dl {false}
 Current state is either inside a html <dl> tag (true) or not (false).
bool is_p {false}
 Current state is either inside a html <p> tag (true) or not (false).

Detailed Description

The format that prints the help page as html to std::cout.

The help page printing is not done immediately, because the user might not provide meta information, positional options, etc. in the correct order. In addition the needed order would be different from the parse format. Thus the calls are stored (parser_set_up_calls and positional_option_calls) and only evaluated when calling format_help::parse().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ format_html()

seqan3::detail::format_html::format_html ( std::vector< std::string > const &  names,
bool const  advanced = false 

Initializes a format_help_base object.

[in]namesA list of subcommands (see subcommand parsing ).
[in]advancedSet to true to show advanced options.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_flag()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_flag ( bool &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec 

Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to be evaluated later on.

[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the flag (e.g. 'i').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the flag (e.g. "integer").
[in]descThe description of the flag to be shown in the help page.
[in]specAdvanced flag specification, see seqan3::option_spec.

◆ add_line()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_line ( std::string const &  text,
bool  is_paragraph,
option_spec const  spec 

Adds a print_line call to parser_set_up_calls.

[in]textThe text to print.
[in]is_paragraphWhether to insert as paragraph or just a line (Default: false).
[in]specWhether to always display this line (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

If the line is not a paragraph (false), only one line break is appended, otherwise two line breaks are appended. This only affects the help page and other output formats.

◆ add_list_item()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_list_item ( std::string const &  key,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec 

Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to parser_set_up_calls.

[in]keyThe key of the key-value pair of the list item.
[in]descThe value of the key-value pair of the list item.
[in]specWhether to always display this list item (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

Note: This only affects the help page and other output formats.

A list item is composed of a key (key) and value (desc) and usually used for option identifier-description-pairs. E.g.:

-a, --age LONG
Super important integer for age.

◆ add_option()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_option ( option_type &  value,
char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id,
std::string const &  desc,
option_spec const  spec,
validator_type &&  option_validator 

Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to be evaluated later on.

Template Parameters
option_typeMust have a formatted input function (stream >> value). If option_type is a container, its value type must have the formatted input function (exception: std::string is not regarded as a container). See FormattedInputFunction .
validator_typeThe type of validator to be applied to the option value. Must model seqan3::validator.
[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]short_idThe short identifier for the option (e.g. 'a').
[in]long_idThe long identifier for the option (e.g. "age").
[in]descThe description of the option to be shown in the help page.
[in]specAdvanced option specification, see seqan3::option_spec.
[in]option_validatorA seqan3::validator that verifies the value after parsing (callable).

◆ add_positional_option()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_positional_option ( option_type &  value,
std::string const &  desc,
validator_type &  option_validator 

Adds a seqan3::print_list_item call to be evaluated later on.

Template Parameters
option_typeMust have a formatted input function (stream >> value). If option_type is a container, its value type must have the formatted input function (exception: std::string is not regarded as a container). See FormattedInputFunction .
validator_typeThe type of validator to be applied to the option value. Must model seqan3::validator.
[in,out]valueThe variable in which to store the given command line argument.
[in]descThe description of the positional option to be shown in the help page.
[in]option_validatorA seqan3::validator that verifies the value after parsing (callable).

The validator must be applicable to the given output variable (value).

◆ add_section()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_section ( std::string const &  title,
option_spec const  spec 

Adds a print_section call to parser_set_up_calls.

[in]titleThe title of the section.
[in]specWhether to always display this section title (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

This only affects the help page and other output formats.

◆ add_subsection()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::add_subsection ( std::string const &  title,
option_spec const  spec 

Adds a print_subsection call to parser_set_up_calls.

[in]titleThe title of the subsection.
[in]specWhether to always display this subsection title (seqan3::option_spec::standard), only when showing the advanced help page (seqan3::option_spec::advanced) or never (seqan3::option_spec::hidden).

This only affects the help page and other output formats.

◆ escape_special_xml_chars()

std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::escape_special_xml_chars ( std::string const &  original)

Escapes certain characters for correct output.

[in]originalThe string containing characters to be escaped.
The original string as their corresponding html/xml representation.

Special characters considered are ", \, &, < and >.

◆ expand_multiple_flags()

static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::expand_multiple_flags ( std::string const &  flag_cluster)

Expands multiple one character flag identifiers for pretty help output.

[in]flag_clusterThe string of one character flags.
A string that lists all flags as a comma separated list.

e.g. "-agdg" becomes "-a, -g, -d and -g".

◆ get_type_name_as_string() [1/2]

template<sequence_container container_type>
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::get_type_name_as_string ( container_type const &  )

Returns the value_type of the input container as a string (reflection).

Template Parameters
container_typeThe container type for which to query it's value_type.
The type of the container value_type as a string.

◆ get_type_name_as_string() [2/2]

template<typename value_type >
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::get_type_name_as_string ( value_type const &  )

Returns the input type as a string (reflection).

Template Parameters
value_typeThe type whose name is converted std::string.
The type of the value as a string.

◆ in_bold()

std::string seqan3::detail::format_html::in_bold ( std::string const &  str)

Format string as in_bold.

[in]strThe input string to format in bold.
The string str wrapped in bold formatting.

◆ option_type_and_list_info() [1/2]

template<typename container_type >
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::option_type_and_list_info ( container_type const &  container)

Formats the container and its value_type for the help page printing.

Template Parameters
container_typeA type that must satisfy the seqan3::sequence_container.
[in]containerThe container to deduct the type from.
The type of the container value type as a string, encapsulated in "List of".

◆ option_type_and_list_info() [2/2]

template<typename option_value_type >
static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::option_type_and_list_info ( option_value_type const &  value)

Formats the type of a value for the help page printing.

Template Parameters
option_value_typeThe type of the option value to get the info for.
[in]valueThe value to deduct the type from.
The type of the value as string.

◆ parse()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::parse ( argument_parser_meta_data parser_meta)

Initiates the printing of the help page to std::cout.

[in]parser_metaThe meta information that are needed for a detailed help page.

◆ prep_id_for_help()

static std::string seqan3::detail::format_base::prep_id_for_help ( char const  short_id,
std::string const &  long_id 

Formats the option/flag identifier pair for the help page printing.

[in]short_idThe short identifier of the option/flag.
[in]long_idThe long identifier of the option/flag.
The name of the short and long id, prepended with (double)dash.

e.g. "-i,--integer", "-i", or "--integer".

◆ print_line() [1/2]

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::print_line ( std::string const &  text)

Delegates to seqan3::print_line(std::string const & text, true) of each format.

[in]textThe text to print.

◆ print_line() [2/2]

void seqan3::detail::format_html::print_line ( std::string const &  text,
bool  line_is_paragraph 

Prints a text in HTML format to std::cout.

[in]textThe text to print.
[in]line_is_paragraphWhether to insert as paragraph or just a line (only one line break if not a paragraph).

◆ print_list_item()

void seqan3::detail::format_html::print_list_item ( std::string const &  term,
std::string const &  desc 

Prints a help page list_item in HTML format to std::cout.

[in]termThe key of the key-value pair of the list item.
[in]descThe value of the key-value pair of the list item.

A list item is composed of a key (term) and value (desc) and usually used for option identifier-description-pairs.

◆ print_section()

void seqan3::detail::format_html::print_section ( std::string const &  title)

Prints a section title in HTML format to std::cout.

[in]titleThe title of the section of the help page.

◆ print_subsection()

void seqan3::detail::format_html::print_subsection ( std::string const &  title)

Prints a subsection title in HTML format to std::cout.

[in]titleThe title of the subsection of the help page.

◆ store_help_page_element()

void seqan3::detail::format_help_base< format_html >::store_help_page_element ( std::function< void()>  printer,
option_spec const  spec 

Adds a function object to parser_set_up_calls if the annotation in spec does not prevent it.

[in]printerThe invokable that, if added to parser_set_up_calls, prints information to the help page.
[in]specThe option specification deciding whether to add the information to the help page.

If spec equals seqan3::option_spec::hidden, the information is never added to the help page. If spec equals seqan3::option_spec::advanced, the information is only added to the help page if the advanced help page has been queried on the command line (show_advanced_options == true).

◆ to_html()

std::string seqan3::detail::format_html::to_html ( std::string const &  input)

Converts console output formatting to the HTML equivalent.

[in]inputThe text to transform.

Member Data Documentation

◆ meta

Stores all meta information about the application.

This needs to be a member of format_parse, because it needs to present (not filled) when the parser_set_up_calls vector is filled, since all printing functions need some meta information. The member variable itself is filled when copied over from the argument_parser when calling format_parse::parse. That way all the information needed are there, when the actual printing starts.

This function is not private because it is needed for short but nicely formatted (error) output to the command line.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: